Call To Art: Environmental Education Center

Our third annual show at the Environmental Education Center in Basking Ridge will take place between August 30 to September 27th. 

Theme and title of show: “The Road Less Traveled”
Any 2-D medium including photography, abstract or realistic or anything in between.
Size limited to 36 x 36, framed.

Important dates and things to know: 

  • August 17th – Submit 1 to 4 images by this date. 
  • You will be notified if your art was accepted by August 25th. 
  • Drop off will be between August 26, 27 and 28. Location TBA.
  • August 28 and August 30 – Show goes up. We need volunteers to help with hanging the show! 
  • Reception: Friday, September 6th, 5 to 7 pm. We need volunteers to help with reception! 
  • September 27 – Closing. Pick up to start on the afternoon of September 27th. Location TBA. We need volunteers to help with taking down the show! 

What to include in your email: 

  • jpg file of your work
  • Title
  • Size
  • Medium
  • We will try to make sure that everyone will exhibit at least one image. Please no nudity or violence as this place is frequented by young children. Submit 1 to 4 images

When dropping off art: 

  • Must have a wire and be ready to hang. If artwork is not properly wired, we will not be able to display it, and will return it to the artist. 
  • Please make sure your art is packed in a way that can be re-used easily when we take your art down. Please make sure no small parts are lose, and that everything is labeled with your name on it. We do our best to re-package your art in the same packing materials it came in, but make no guarantees.

If you would like to volunteer for any of the events, or would like to join our board, don’t hesitate to reach out via email. We would love to hear from you. 

Third Annual Brightwood Park Plein Air Painting Event

We will partner again with The Friends of Brightwood Park to host a plein air panting event on Saturday, May 18. Check in at Brightwood Park in Westfield will start at 10:00 a.m. and the painting will be from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

Bring your easel, brushes and paints, and set up in Brightwood Park. Create a quick painting with fellow artists. There will be an opportunity to display your art at the end of the event if you choose to. We will have a judge and award prizes.


Registration is required, please REGISTER HERE

First Place $100

Second Place $50

Third Place $25

10 am – 3 pm

10 am arrival and set up

Timed paint session 11-2

Set up paintings for judging 2-2:30

Judging 2:30

About Westfield Art Association:

Since 1922, the Westfield Art Association, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, completely volunteer organization, has provided art education and public exhibitions, and continues today to actively encourage its many members in the pursuit of individual artistic goals and growth. All mediums. All experience levels. All welcome.

About Friends of Brightwood:

Scholarship Sale

April 1, 2024 to May 12, 2024 – Annual Scholarship Sale

Each year the Westfield Art Association artists donate works of art for sale: proceeds from the sale fund a scholarship that we give to a graduating Westfield High School senior who intends to pursue art in college. The recipient is selected by the art director of Westfield High School.

It makes a wonderful Mother’s Day gift! All pieces are for sale at $60. If you are interested in buying a piece, let us know by emailing us at You can pay via Paypal or once the pieces are at South Avenue Arts, you are welcome to stop in and pay via cash or check. If paying through Paypal, please log into your accoung, and send $60 to, in the ‘note’ are indicate which artwork by which artist you would like to purchase. We will get your piece to you as soon as possible.

The pieces will also be on display in person at South Avenue Arts, located at 221 South Avenue in Garwood, starting on April 15, 2024. They will be ready to be picked up or delivered starting on May 6th, right on time for Mother’s day.

If you are an artist and would like to donate a 5 by 7 work of art, we will continue to accept them, and will happily add them to the fundraiser.

Thank you for helping us raise funds for the scholarship!