Raku Ceramic Artist

October 20, 1 to 3pm

South Avenue Arts, 221 South Ave, Garwood, NJ

Refreshments will be served.

The Westfield Artist Association Presents Trish Classe Gianakis.
Hear why she has had a fascination with creating ceramics and the Raku firing process for 25 years. She will talk about throwing clay on a potter’s wheel and hand building, layering textures and combining Raku ceramics with various found objects.

Besides having a Masters Degree in Computer Art, Trish Classe Gianakis is a adjunct professor at St. Peters University teaching digital design.She has a passion for ceramics and doing RAKU. Besides throwing clay on the potter’s wheel, she hand throws clay and creates sculptures using raku clay. When sculpting, after the artwork is bisked and raku fired, she will then combine the sculptures with found objects. For more about Trish visit https://www.trishgianakis.com/

This is a free event for WAA Members and friends

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