Clear your calendars! We have an exciting presentation for you by the one and only Parvathi Kumar.

When: Sunday, March 17th, 2019, from 1 to 3 pm
Where: DuCret School of Art, 1030 Central Avenue, Plainfield, NJ

More about Parvathi

Parvathi Kumar Fine Art Photography

Parvathi Kumar was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia and raised in Montreal, Quebec. Her mother initiated her into the art of photography as a teen, giving her a strong foundation in manual 35mm film SLR techniques. Parvathi also gained valuable black&white darkroom experience in high school. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Concordia University in Montreal, a Master’s degree in Computer Science from NJIT in Newark, and has worked for ten years in software design & development for IT firms in Denmark, CT and NJ. Throughout this time however, photography prevailed as a serious interest.

After many years of using only a manual Minolta x700 35mm camera, 2003 marked her foray into the digital world. In 2010 her lifelong love of photography turned into a proper business devoted to various photographic services and she began actively exhibiting her work in both group and solo shows throughout NJ. In 2013, she started using the iPhone as an integral tool of creativity. Her images (using Nikon DSLRs and the iPhone) have been selected and won top awards in various juried shows. She is a member of various artists’ groups and forums, collaborates with other artists in the community, helps other adults, teens and youngsters learn the art of photography through workshops and photo walks, and shares her work frequently on social media. She also creates fine art work with mixed media & alternative processes such as encaustics and cyanotype printing.

Parvathi has trained in Indian Classical Dance (Bharata Natyam), has been learning and playing Classical Guitar for over 30 years and is involved with the NJ Classical Guitar Society, and she is a certified yoga instructor. She currently lives in Bridgewater, NJ with her husband and two sons.

Parvathi Kumar

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