Due to the pandemic the 2020-2021 season will look different from our other years. We are working together on bringing you many fun and engaging opportunities that will bring us closer together as a community.
For the month of September we are going to do an ART CHALLENGE.
Everyone participating will draw this lovely still life. They can add one object to it of their choosing. Then we will put all of the submissions on our website, and open them to public vote. The person with the most votes wins a $25 gift certificate to Blick Art Supplies. Read all the rules for participating below.

Here are some rules:
- Paint, draw or sketch the still life provided.
- You can use any medium and any size: draw it, paint it, sculpt it, ink it.
- You should add 1 object from your surroundings or imagination to the still life.
- Email us a photo that displays your work in the best possible way by September 20th. We will put the work up on the website, as well as our Facebook group. The voting will go on the last week of September. The winner will be announced the first week of October.
- It is free to participate if you are a member of WAA in good standing. If you are not sure when you renewed your membership, feel free to reach out to us. If you would like to purchase or renew your membership you can do so here.